Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Fleece Blanket

This is a blanket I made Monday night for my son for his birthday. It is the simplest blanket I have ever made. Having said that it is a bit time consuming. I had bought this fleece a couple weeks ago at JoAnnes when they had their fleece 50% OFF. My son actually chose this one his self but it goes nicely with his soon to be new, freshly painted green room.

To make this blanket you need two pieces of fleece, either the same or coordinating. Buy as much as you need to make the blanket the correct size. I bought 1.5 yards of each and the blanket is 50 by 57 inches. You could easily make it bigger or smaller depending on your needs.

First cut both pieces to the desired size. Next line the pieces up wrong sides together (the way you want the blanket to look when finished. Then I marked 1 inch increments along all 4 edges, making a small dot at every inch so it's not really visible when finished. I did come up with a shortcut when cutting the strips, if your anything like me I am all about making things easier.

The strips you will want at least 2.5 inches long, 3 would make it easier to tie and you could make them longer if you want the fringe longer. To make it easier I used a marker to mark on the scissors 2.5 inches up (how long my strips were). This made it super simple because they were all the same length but you didn't have to do any measuring.

To finish you simply tie the strips together in a knot. Make sure not to tie them too tight or the blanket will bunch up (a mistake I made at first). At first I though it was going to take forever but once I got the hang of tying them it went somewhat quickly. Still not bad for a blanket you can use the same day you start!

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