So I have wanted to learn for a while now but was recently really feeling the urge since I want to make some barrettes. Making a flower or heart seemed simple enough so I sought out to find someone, anyone, that could teach me.
After much searching my Mom said to bring some yarn and hooks and we'll see if we can figure it out. I also brought a book I had. I don't learn very well from a book on things like this, I really need to see it. After skimming over the book and a bit of practice my Mom had cracked the code and with her showing me I got it too!!
Now while I thought it would be easier than knitting I soon learned that wasn't the case. I had a very simple heart pattern that I proceeded to crochet and what I was left with slightly resembled a heart however it looked like a 4 year old was behind the crochet hook.
I tried again and got the same results so after some frustration I moved on to the flowers...perhaps they would be easier. Well they were and weren't at the same time. I put the hook away for the night feeling somewhat defeated and thinking I was just going to have a bunch of ribbon and felt barrettes!
Well since the crochet hook has some kind of magnetic attraction I picked it up the next morning and once again set out to create a flower! Darn it I was determined to succeed!!
Well I think I have done so, don't you think?
I was able to make something resembling a flower after a few more attempts. I think once I add a bead to the center it will be cute.
And even more thrilling is being able to say I conquered the HEART!!!!
Ok so the hole is not perfectly in the center but the outline of the heart isn't lumpy, it's nice and even and most importantly HEART SHAPE!!
Be warned: if you thought knitting was addictive...just wait. Great job!
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