Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Tye Dye

So I'm finally getting around to posting about the tye dye and turns out this post isn't going to be very lengthy.

Two good friends of mine, Nick and Liz, came over to join in all the dyeing fun.  Liz and I did it a couple of years ago and remembered how much dye we still had left so we invited another person and each had many more pieces to dye.  We also remembered it taking a long time but I think we forgot just how long.  It really is a pain but all my shirts and onsies came out really well so it was worth it!

Say Tye-Dye!!

I even let my little boy in on the fun.  He ended up doing 3 of his 4 shirts before he got bored.  They came out pretty well too!  I'll slowly post pictures of all the things that were done. And yes you do have to wear rain boots in 90° weather while tye-dyeing!

It was funny, we made some margaritas before we got started and were chatting up a storm.  Once we got down to business however it got quite silent.  Funny how hard we were all concentrating, like we were doing a very important scientific research study or something!

Here is Liz working hard...

And Nicki too!

I didn't take a whole lot of pictures since I was busy dyeing my 14 items.  Here is a picture of Nicki's shirts waiting to be wrapped in plastic wrap.

I think it's a bit odd when you think about the fact that tye-dye tends to be connected to the "hippies" and "hippies" tend to be "tree huggers" however once you do it you realize just how environmentally unfriendly it is!  I'm not even talking about the dyes since they have natural ones but all the water, paper towels, plastic wrap and energy rinsing and washing everything a couple times.  I felt horrible at all the water I was using!!

Just an FYI that posting is going to continue to be slight for the next couple of weeks (I know what's new? I promise I'll get better soon!) but the DH and I are going on a cruise and we're leaving Saturday!  We are both very excited about this especially since we'll be leaving the kids with Grammy.  Things should get better after we arrive home however since the DH will be headed to sunny CA for a month, leaving me alone with the kids and giving me some alone time in the morning that I hope to be constructive with.  I have a list of projects I haven't touched so I am hoping I will have the motivation (and energy) to do them during this time.  If all goes according to plan the postings should go up!

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