Sunday, June 27, 2010

Could it Be...A Finished Project?

YES IT IS!!!!!

So I haven't done really any sort of crafting for a couple of months now.  I wanted too and had projects in mind, I just lacked the time to actually work on anything.

Well I am thrilled to be able to say I completed a project, at long last!  It was a simple, quick one but still a project.  I made a crappy CD holder you can check out Puking Pastilles for the complete tutorial.  It came together fast and was very simple aside from the binding.  I'm not good with binding anyway and this CD holder gets thicker as you go down making the binding even more difficult.

I still like it and hope my friend does too!!  It's the other part of her birthday present she is receiving a bit late but hey, better late than never right?


Sarah said...

I really like the color combo you used.

Alicen said...

Thank you. It's for Nicki so it had to be mainly yellow. The green is in the one fabric although it's hard to see and I just liked the orange with everything else!


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