Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Fall Decor

So inspired by this at Make It and Love It:

I set about to make my own, really how much easier can you get?  Ever since I put a table cloth on my table, for July 4th and my littlest ones first birthday, I have fallen in love with table linens.  It's funny because that tablecloth was a cheap little vinyl one however I now find the need to have a tablecloth on the table!  We currently have a cute vinyl Halloween one on our table but come Nov 1st that ones out and fall decor will take over.  I've already bought a pretty cloth autumny one and when I saw this a couple weeks ago I thought it would be a perfect accessory for the tablecloth.

I won't go into the details about how this runner caused me to want a plain fall tablecloth to go with it.  Which then caused me to want something to put on this runner.  Which then caused me to go on a manhunt to find something nice to put something else in.  That caused me to buy a bunch of gourds because the colors are just fabulous but I still needed something to put the gourds in.  I couldn't just throw then on the runner!  Well last night I finally found a wire basket which is exactly what I was looking for (how often does that happen) and it was only $5.  Since I finally found the basket I could finally make the runner.  I wanted to make the runner to the size of the basket/tray/whatever I found.

Today I finally sat down and made it while my son was making some Halloween decorations.  I didn't sew it but I hot glued it and it worked fine.  I will say hers looks better but I think that has a lot to do with the fact that her leaves are much better looking!  What can I say, I found them for a buck.  Now on Monday I'll be all set to switch out the table cloth and put the runner, basket and gourds all to good use.  Once everything's in place I'll snap a pic!  Until then here is a snippet of my runner.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh I love this. While Halloween is great, I am so excited to turn the decor to more of a harvest theme...I may need one of these too. It would look great with a bowl of apples in the middle for Lil'Bitz "party."


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