Tuesday, February 2, 2010

I'm Back!

So I know I am highly sporadic with these posts but basically it's clean or craft and while I wish I could just ignore cleaning all together.... I can't!

Honestly I haven't done any crafting...at all!  I know, a true crime but between weeks that seem  to fly by, clutter that seems to take over, and a nasty cold I just haven't had time.  Not to mention my newest obsession that takes up my time... COOKING.  And for those of you who don't already know I just started My Culinary Adventures , a blog solely dedicated to all my cooking endeavors.  If cooking interests you then check it out!

As for my 2 most recent projects they were a favorite of mine, HATS!  I always seem to end up making these because they don't take too long and it's instant gratification.  I am pleased to say after a very long hiatus I am officially back into knitting!  Exciting stuff.  While pregnant knitting was very uncomfortable for me because I couldn't sit still so I stopped, completely.  Since her birth I had been more into sewing because in an hour or 2 I could have a completed project in hand.  Since I knit like a snail it takes me forever to finish something, I am talking about a week just for a hat.

These past couple weeks though I have found my love for knitting once again.  I finally made my son a hat with some yarn he picked out a long time ago.  It's nothing fancy, I was planning it to be a folded brim hat with a ribbed brim but as you can see from the picture below that isn't the case.  I even tried it on his head to make sure it was long enough and alas, not so.  Still looks fine the way it is and it should fit him for years!  He likes it which is really all that matters.

The second was a hat I knit for my daughter.  I found a baby beret pattern while I was pregnant that I planned on making before she was born but, again, that clearly isn't the case.  I followed the pattern and it looks beret like off but on not at all.  I did end up going back and picking up stitches along the bottom to make it a bit longer.  It's a strange looking hat, but it's a hat that will keep her head warm in all this snow we have been getting.  I can't decide if I like it or not, one time I look and I think it's cute in a weird sort of way and I look again and don't really like it.  I do love the yarn however!!

Now that I am feeling human again I have a list of projects I want to get done so I will try very hard to get better at posting here!  More importantly I am going to try hard to get some crafting done since it is my sanity saver!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like Emma's hat. It looks very Euro-fab! Great yarn too...what is it?


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