Here is the round-up of all the handmade presents.
First up are the very easy to make totes/reusable shopping bags. I made it using this classic tote tutorial. This was very easy, theres no lining or unfinished edges. I ended up making 3 for the holidays and I bought a couple yards of fabric for me and can't wait to make mine!
I know you've seen this picture before but this ended up being a placemat. I made 8 of them and the main fabric is the blue flower fabric and I did 2 yellow accent stripes.
A simple table runner I made for fellow quilter. I used the zebra print fabric for the back as well and loved the way it came out. It was a little hard to part with this!
This is a lined bread bag that I made for Alexis (at Full of Knit). She makes her own bread so I thought a pretty (and reusable) bread bag would be appreciated. I plan to make a couple for myself but first I need to figure out an easier way because this turned out to be a major pain in the butt! I think I may just make a basic drawstring bag instead, I just need to figure out how large to make the bag to fit the loaf. When I figure out a better way I'll make a tutorial.
The last 2 are crowns I made Alexis' little girls. I also sent tutus to go with them. I made a matching purple one and then a blue one since I know that they already have an orange one to match the orange/red crown.
I also made a simple garter stitch scarf to match a hat I made a friend of mine a while ago. I also was volunteered to make a memory quilt for my Mom's friends daughter. I meant to take a picture of the finished quilt but I forgot. It turned out very nice and they loved it! That ended up taking up some of the time I was going to use to make some other projects but that's ok, there are always birthdays.
Currently in the works are a wet bag and a Nook cover. Pictures to come as soon as they are finished!
The bread bag is the greatest thing ever. I can see how it was a pain, but it works so well. I want a million of them, but of course you really only need one...:)
Tricia loved the table runner you made for Meg. I love my new shopping bags, just need to get out and shop now, lol.
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