Sunday, September 19, 2010

Reserved Champion

So I don't know if you guys remembered me posting about the party dress I made for my little girl.  I had never made a dress, or actual article of clothing for that matter, but still decided to go for it.  Without a pattern at that!  Well I was entering some of my photographs in the fair and decided at the last minute to enter the dress into the sewing category.  I went yesterday to see how I did and was very excited to see this:

The red sticker is 2nd place.  Next I saw this:

Blue sticker is 1st place!  HOORAY!!  But then I saw this:

I honestly could not believe it!!!  Not only did I win 1st place but I was the RESERVE CHAMPION!  I would normally say it would have been better to have the blue ribbon and be the champion but I am absolutely thrilled with how well my little dress did.  To think that something I made, from scratch, without a pattern was reserve champion.  Maybe I am a decent sewer after all. 

Anyway I think it goes without saying that I am very pleased with myself.  I know it doesn't really mean much but it's like a compliment and it makes you feel good.  It also makes me think that maybe I am actually good and maybe I need to stop doubting myself so much!


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